Stop Fracking in the Karoo!!
This is my *journey to reaching my dream. Put into more or less 1 million easy-to-follow "How to: steps"
31 March 2011
30 March 2011
How to #32: Learn a lesson
I always have a problem with studying. I’m sure that a definite pattern will be able to be drawn through my blogs
New thought, about 45mins later. My roommate and I just moved our room around completely, I changed my bedding, and took a nice long shower... such small insignificant things can make a terrible day or time feel so much better. A change really is as good as a holiday. It helps so much to clear your mind and focus on what really matters.
What really matters right now is that I must study, and yet, I’m still gonna watch series... :D
I’m sure that my blogs will become more consistent and of way better material as soon as I get my own show at Mfm, that should be soon because I’m finishing my production hours an Friday. Yay me!! Then I just have a couple more tasks to complete... it’s been a tough road. Trying to balance my academics, Mfm, Rez and personal life. Its tough... but I can see the light.
29 March 2011
How to #31: Eat Milo straight out the tin
It helps for stress created by uncomfortable situations at “work”. It’s not even real work. I hate being flippen trampled on just because I try to be respectful of someone in a higher position than what I am. All I want to do is be respectful. I’ll come out of my shell when I’m more comfortable with the surroundings. But that is absolutely no reason to walk all over me. While your nose is up there in the clouds, I hope you get a cramp in your neck.
25 March 2011
How to #30: Study
Please please could someone help me with this? Well, not that any1 read my blog… but still… I need help to start studying.. It’s just not my thing
Like how meatballs and chocolate mousse just don’t go? That’s me and studying! arg… and iv planned to study history till 12:00 tonight when I produce my 3rd show at Mfm. bed at 3:00… I’m sooo excited! Just like yesterday morning, when I was super excited to wake up just to have breakfast!.. I’m weird like that…
So… here’s to late nights.
24 March 2011
How to #29: Do a 4500 word essay
So I have been sitting here, putting off doing my essay for about an hour… I have prepared my intro and conclusion, got my bibliography and table of contents. iv even calculated the amount of words exactly im gonna have under each heading. All I have to do is type the body. iv got the research… but I don’t wannnna!!
Its even a really interesting topic: “Do you agree with Francis Fukuyama’sargument that the age of the revolution ended with the 1989 revolutions?” see? its a reasonable. But I just wanna bed! With a nice cup of decent hot chocolate. Not that horrid stuff I’v been making for myself all week… I want the real macoy! OE!!! cahi late! yum yum.
Anyhow… Mfm update: today I did my ‘sound bite collection’. I basically ran around and shoved a little recorder into 50 peoples faces and asked them what they thaught about the fact that Maties fell out of the varsity cup against UJ… oh well. Now that’s done. J
Essay: Geronimo!!
(Ok, that was supposed to be my cool conclusion… but I know a guy called Geronimo! how fun?! tee hee)
And… just because… things on my mind:
Poor little Rebecca Black (silly child)
The song I’ve been trying to write for a while now… (Hope it takes form soon)
23 March 2011
How to #28: Be over eager
Then again, why would any1 want to be over eager? It’s not really a good trait? Is it necessarily bad…? Anyway… doing my other trainee chores this week, after I did another production shift last night form 12:00 to 03:00. It was really fun. So organized. I love being organized. I think, having said that, we can confidently conclude that I love organizing, right? And cleaning would fall under a sub-category of organizing… am I right? Therefore, hence, ie: I love cleaning… AND now the whole Mfm staff thinks I’m a nerd! tee hee.. I went in to do my ‘office clean up’ shift thingy this morning, and they had me cleaning windows… I loved it!... You know Monica form Friends? That’s me. :P don’t hate.
22 March 2011
How to #27: Read the news
So yesterday I had the day off... took some time to catch up with my homework, and gave “How to become A writer” a brand new face… like it? I got those blogging skills that I promised I would… now I just have to put some time into how to make those cartoon strip posts. Patience is a virtue.
Today at Mfm: we’re doing news training, so I’m gonna clear my throat and go: “Today in the news: Jana must learn how to blog properly or no one will ever read her blog.” No but seriously… I need to get in touch with How to #4. Just in the last 4 days Iv learnt more about current affairs than in the whole year put together before I started at Mfm. Did you know that they want to put a law on Photoshop? And that Justin Bieber fans are threatening Selena Gomez? ok, a bit more serious then… I guess we all know about Japan a Libya and all that rage, but seriously, go read up on it. That’s a serious tip for how to really become a writer.
Today at Mfm: we’re doing news training, so I’m gonna clear my throat and go: “Today in the news: Jana must learn how to blog properly or no one will ever read her blog.” No but seriously… I need to get in touch with How to #4. Just in the last 4 days Iv learnt more about current affairs than in the whole year put together before I started at Mfm. Did you know that they want to put a law on Photoshop? And that Justin Bieber fans are threatening Selena Gomez? ok, a bit more serious then… I guess we all know about Japan a Libya and all that rage, but seriously, go read up on it. That’s a serious tip for how to really become a writer.
21 March 2011
How to #26: go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 2am
(For 20 March)
Wow, so I haven’t blogged in way to long! But, as I have mentioned, im staying in the lovely Stellenbosch this holiday week, and as all of my friends are gone, im probably going to have some time on my hands to hopefully do some decent blogging…
My ‘holiday started off at 7am, by waking up and moving all my stuff to Christelles flat, where I’m staying this week, which has been so much fun so far. I sat in to 3 3hour show at Mfm observing the presenters, Saturday I sat in on 2 shows, and having finished my 15 observation hours, I could finally produce.
So! Set my alarm for 2am this morning, in Mfm offices at 20:30 and I was ready to produce the Morning Glory show with Ammie. I had so much fun! Although it feels now liked I dreamed it up because I was half asleep! Ha ha. Ammie was super nice and very professional… I did accidentally make her sound like a bit of a cork on air, because as she announced a song, I played the wrong one. And I practiced the whole mixing jingle and song technique into each other; hopefully ill get the hang of that soon.
I wonder how many out of 200 people have liked the page… I really want to get my training done asap… Hopefully my next post will be a bit more entertaining. [Aiming for the cartoon strip effect that seems to be all the rage]
Till then… peace out cyber world
Wow, so I haven’t blogged in way to long! But, as I have mentioned, im staying in the lovely Stellenbosch this holiday week, and as all of my friends are gone, im probably going to have some time on my hands to hopefully do some decent blogging…
My ‘holiday started off at 7am, by waking up and moving all my stuff to Christelles flat, where I’m staying this week, which has been so much fun so far. I sat in to 3 3hour show at Mfm observing the presenters, Saturday I sat in on 2 shows, and having finished my 15 observation hours, I could finally produce.
So! Set my alarm for 2am this morning, in Mfm offices at 20:30 and I was ready to produce the Morning Glory show with Ammie. I had so much fun! Although it feels now liked I dreamed it up because I was half asleep! Ha ha. Ammie was super nice and very professional… I did accidentally make her sound like a bit of a cork on air, because as she announced a song, I played the wrong one. And I practiced the whole mixing jingle and song technique into each other; hopefully ill get the hang of that soon.
I wonder how many out of 200 people have liked the page… I really want to get my training done asap… Hopefully my next post will be a bit more entertaining. [Aiming for the cartoon strip effect that seems to be all the rage]
Till then… peace out cyber world
17 March 2011
How to #25: Go on holiday
Holy crap, i havent blogged in a long time. but by my on going research, i have found that the way to go is apparently by these cartoon style blog posts, so while i try to figure out how to do that by not having to perfcet my computer drawing skills, take a look at how im going to spend my next month... it sux!!!
14 March 2011
12 March 2011
How to #23: Appreciate words
There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
Cruelty and injustice...intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance, coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told...if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
Cruelty and injustice...intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance, coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told...if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
How to #22: Be a Trainee
Oh my soul! So i just lost my blog post that i typed in word so i can use the spell checker . Then, when i posted an excuse and promise to re-do it later, i had posted that on the wrong blog, and now i just found my post again... ha ha. ai, its gonna be one of THOSE days again...
So, this is it... I’m there. By some case of mystical turn of magic events, I am now a Trainee at Mfm radio station. This is huge! Just a month ago I was complaining to my parents that my life is boring and that I am sick of studying and what not. And after sending out an e-mail to maybe get some form of a tea girl jib, by chance. Here I am, sitting at my computer, plotting out how I’m going to get all my trainee tasks done as soon as I possibly can. At the moment, I’m trying to get 200 friends to ‘like’ the page “Mfm 92.6- Move to the music” so far I have 50. So I’m getting somewhere at least. I have already done a live read prep. I still have to sit in for 15 hours, produce for 39 hours, do 2 Saturdays community work, and the list goes on a little while longer. Let’s just say: this holiday, not so much of a holiday...
More info later
10 March 2011
How to #21: use your logic
Scenario 1: in Philosophy 2 class the other day, I asked the guy in front of me to ask the people in front to pass the register back so that the people who came late could sign. I watched the message go down, and by about the 3rd person, it was lost. Like broken telephone where the players just lost interest.
Scenario 2: Again in Philosophy, in the first year tut, as the register had finished circulating the class,the guy who got it last raised it so that anyone who hadn’t signed would put up their hand, without disrupting the tutor, or so one would think… when a girl in the middle sitting on the floor raises her hand, the guy gets up and walks to her to hand her the sheet!
Why do people have this logic block?! Just pass it on! Give it to the next person to pass on and start a train. Have some faith in you fellow being!! They are in the same position as you, how much stupider could they possibly be than you?! Why do people have this mentality that they have to do everything alone? Why do people rely on one another so little? Why is trust such a scarce thing to find? And why are people so negative?!
You see someone do something, or you see something lying around or you over hear someone saying something…. and immediately we think: “What the HELL is wrong with these people?!” without digging a little deeper. Have some empathy for the people around you!! You see some girl wearing a really short skirt and your average person will think: “slut” but if you were in that position, think about it… maybe you’re in a rush, got it from a friend, thought it looked nice and didn’t have time to change or you would be late for class. Maybe that random chick that you don’t know at all just had something in her eye and really didn’t roll her eyes at you. Maybe he was about to sneeze and not sneering at you. Why are people so cynical? I can promise you that you have been in the same position and you have no idea!
Just think a little longer, wonder a little more. But be realistic!! Mense kan mos maar net vir ‘n slag hulle koppe reg gebruik, of hoe?
08 March 2011
06 March 2011
How to #19: Open your e-mail
I HAVE NO IDEA!!! It’s broken!! it wont listen to me! and now I cant send an e-mail to my professor to change my interview appointment for my history essay, and I cant send an e-mail to the lady from mfm to say sorry that I missed the first meeting for the people that went through to the 3rd round of interviews… (Oh ja, I got it, YAY!) But I’m angry now, so not gonna extend on that too much right now. GRRR.
My account keeps telling me to “contact the administrator coz I’m like blocked by the server that received illegal immigrantal warnings from the violence patrol from the north Asian wombat association.” I just want to send an e-mail!!! So I got up and walked out of the computer area, after violently massaging the keyboard of said administrator computer, and scaring Louis, and myself for that matter. I have temper issues...
On a lighter note, I got 6 followers, which is the coolest thing since sliced bread. thanx mense. Oh, and as I may have mentioned, I got through to the 3rd round of interviews at mfm. And had an amazing Friday night with stella and my boet out in town, and an almost better Saturday night sleeping under the stars with two great friends.. :) I’m gonna go get ice cream. Something stupid computers can’t have. So there. ha!
02 March 2011
How to #18 : wait on the world to change
First.. Get a third victim and force them to follow your blog... :D thanks Clairey. Then, when you start doubting yourself, just be sure of how good you felt when you started. I found a newspaper article about the top SA blogs, and felt very intimidated, and started doubting ‘how to become A writer’. But I can’t deny that I was very inspired. I hope to do a self study crash course on how to blog and get this website up to that standard. Yay! I have a collage on my desk of my goals for this year. It’s a “Die Matie” logo and an Mfm logo. (Still waiting on that second interview) oh, and the weight I want to loose... I’m a girl. Don’t judge. It’s how we function. All of this pasted on to that article.
Now.. How do i change my writing style? Well, first off, I know that I can apparently improve on my spelling... thanks Seb. I’ll try. I’ve been thinking about getting to a computer all day, because I haven’t blogged in a long time. Then again, I haven’t done anything very constructive in a while... :) I should get to my homework.
I rate that I should try to be more entertaining.. Coz I’ve tried to be sort of formal and distant. So, the first opinion I’m gonna throw out there is: how annoying are blackberries right now hey?! Arg. It’s such a fancy phone and it’s a great idea, but seriously, the software looks like one of those old computers that used to type green on a greyish black. Ok, I can’t help it... on trends and fads... whole the hell ever made it ok for girls to wear leggings as pants?! What is that?!
Just to make this new revelation extra soppy, I’m gonna add a picture of myself... just to make it more personal.
Maybe I should start blogging in my home language? Is that an idea?
Claire ate too many sweets. Their bad.
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