03 June 2011

How to #36: Embrace yourself

Naomi: I was a weirdo. I thaught that the moon followed me everywhere. I thaught it meant something special was gonna happen to me
Arthur:  Well that’s a pretty ridiculous hypothesis Naomi because by that notion, the moon would be out there right n... Naomi, the moon is literally out there right now spying on us. His light shining down on your face and clutter... what is all these things?! Smitwitifs...
Naomi: My dad’s pills
Arthur: a lot of incriminating stuff lying around here young la... what’s this for
Naomi:  that’s nothing, put it...
Arthur: whoa whoa whoa this is not nothing. This is something
Naomi:  I used to write stories and draw pictures for kids.
Arthur: wow... “The statue of liberty had travelled all the way from France She missed her friend the Eifel tower and her arm hurt...” Naomi, that’s wonderful.
Naomi: Thank you
Arthur: In this the statue of Liberty is a lonely French giant...
Naomi: Yeah, and she stays lonely until she meets her friend, the Chrysler building
Arthur:  That’s brilliant Naomi. You should quit your job and focus all your energy on this.
Naomi: I can’t
Arthur: why? What have you got to lose?
Naomi: The house, and electricity...
Arthur: you can pay for all of those when this is published.
Naomi: Arthur, things like that don’t happen to people like me.
Arthur: Then why is the moon still following you?

02 June 2011

How to #35: Appreciate

Ek het nou vir ‘n lang ruk al nie geblog nie, om dat ek eintlik, om die waarheid te se, ‘n bietjie hoop veloor in hierdei projek… Mens moet realisties wees, en ek kyk so daarna… As ek nie self lees nie, hoekom sal ander mense wat baie soos ek is dan die goed lees ?! Maar dan gee ‘n vriendin my ‘n kompliment, of vra hoe dit gaan met my blog, dan kry ek weer hoop.
Ek gaan steeds hulp kry van die groot ouens by Mfm, maar ek het net so ‘n drang gehad om weer te skryf, al is dit redelik bol… :D
So... Ek wil bietjie youtube videos update.... Fetish met die briljante The Lonely Island deel met jou.
Ek kan  vertel dat dit voorentoe lyk met mfm werk... my pa word elke woensdag wakker om te luister en vir my raad te gee. My co-host is briljant en ek word geinspereer deur haar entusiasme, en sy help my as ek baie erge spel voute maak, wat ‘n totale realiteit is... ha ha.
Die vaksnsie le nou voor hier in Stellenbosch en ek begin nou worry oor nagraadse programme, want volgende jaar kry ek my grad... scary! Ek voel nou kwaai oud!
Ons is besig om ‘n trip by die weskus af te reel vir die vakansie maar ek is bevrees dat daar nie baie mense is wat game is so ver nie, want ek bly t ever in die middle van nerens... dit suck. Maar tenminste gaan die vriende front nou al afdraand, en dis fantasties. Ek verlang net nogal na koshuis soos ek dit ken. Nie ‘n oomblik stil in my en Mich se kamer nie. Mens kon altyd Stella se lag gepaard met Mell en die ander girls iewers hoor. Hierdie setup is so geisoleerd. En daar is niks lojaliteid aan die koshuis nie. En ek is regtig lief vir die koshuis.  Dit bring my na ‘n klein  problempie wat my pla... ek weet nie of ek moet prober staan vir koshuis HK nie, om die girls te inspereer om life te wees vir hierdie huis van ons, of ek net moet trek na my eie flat, wat wonderlik glamourous klink, want ek is na 15 jaar baie opgewonde om huis huis te speel...
“moet nie die lewe dink nie, Leef die lewe.”
Daar is hoop

Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions