21 February 2012

How to #66 move on and up

So, ek het my die koshuis uit getrek en in n flippen lekker flat waar ons huge brunches hou laat kuier en bak en stuff… maar die top punt is dat my boeta nou al vir n ruk saam my bly wat lekker is want hy was lank weg, maar die beste este is date k n sooper cool flatmate het wat sooo baie soos ek is en dis als net baie happy tye. Eks seker dat tye dit nog hier op gaan maak… en al lyk haar hand redelik funny in die fot is sy nogal normal… kind of… :p

Sy het laas week 21 geword, en ons het amal (Hilde,Marine,Phia,Louis en haar ander chommies wat seker nooit my blog sal lees nie) super special try maak… vroeg oggend beerkies gebrand en koppies stukkend gegooi… die idee het coller geklink as wat dit actually was :p en sy het n MFM kompetiese gewen en IDOLS toe gegaan… :p was great gees! Sooo trots op haar…
Nou diet ons… maar ons altwee crave chia tee, chocolate milkshakes en milo… (sy kroek)
Day 1
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1/2 grapefruit or juice
1 piece toast with 1 tablespoon peanut butter
1/2 cup tuna
1 piece toast
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
3 ounces any lean meat or chicken
1 cup green beans
1 cup carrots

etc... ons suffer!!

How to #65 be a woman

I have not blogged in a very long time. I’ve logged on, and stared at the blog and felt like iv neglected it, but I honestly have not had anything good to add, Until now. Actually, I haven’t been anywhere that I could add anything even if I wanted to. 2 months holiday on the farm and traveling between family and friends does not really allow for academic thought let alone internet connections.
I will, for the sake of it, bring my personal developments and steps closer to becoming a writer and even my thoughts on that up to date later.
First, My English 318 elective for this semester… what a train smash so far, Actually, English 318 as a whole so far. We handled 7 lectures about the romantic poets, presented by a lecturer who is truly talented at droning.  We could choose electives, and will be able to again in the second semester, but the only two electives that could fit into my timetable were something about animal blah blah stuff poetry, and ‘woman’s poetry of the body’ and I figured that wouldn’t be too difficult as I am I woman and all…. Once a week I am stuck in a room for 2 hours between about 20 women debating FOR FEMINISM…. O my hat!!
Ok, my view… if you want to be treated like a man, you cannot act like a woman. You cannot react to feminism like a whiney, needy woman if you don’t want to be called a whiney needy woman…  get it? On this one website that I usually browse through on my phone for a laugh: www.dearblankpleaseblank.com, one girl said:
Dear Lady who told me that my making my boyfriend a sandwich just sent the feminist movement back to the 50's,
In return he opens my doors, pulls out my chairs, pays for my food, movie tickets AND gas, surrenders his coat when I'm cold, cuddles, buys me presents, and acts as a personal body guard whenever we're together.
Sincerely, I feel like I'm ok with that
(had to go through 13 webpages to find that… I nearly closed at page 12… yay me! :)
Get the general idea? I’m not saying that women should not be ambitious and hardworking and so on, I’m saying if you don’t have a natural knack for caring for those you’ve chosen to love, and you want to go in a different direction, don’t ask for a punch in a man’s world if you can’t take it and end up crying in public diminishing the strength of woman’s nature as well…