16 February 2011

How to #7: See In perspective

I am so over eager about this new virtual addition to my life, but it’s so hard to take myself seriously. Our generation has this idea of life one day becoming like the movies. But we can’t all just sit back and relax; we have to make these things happen for ourselves. Can’t just start wearing pretty clothes and expect the ‘quarter back’ to fall in love with the nerdy girl.
This is really annoying, because iv had so many ideas running through my head, that I couldn’t post, because South Africa just isn’t as connected as the movie world. But what can I do to make that movie moment happen? What is going to make people want to read my thoughts? People are so self absorbed. Spending 45mins trying to decide shorts or a skirt in the morning has absolutely no effect on what people may think of you as you walk by. It would/could only boost or lower their self esteem because they will be comparing themselves to you. “Does she look thinner than me?” “Is he more built than me?” “Maybe I shouldn’t eat this, then I could look like that.” “Maybe if I did this, she would notice me.” Boys and girls are so hyper-sensitive. And our parents to get it. How to #7.1(See In perspective): Don’t ever think that your parents don’t get it. They were young once too. they also had crushes and sneaked around doing things that each individual should try and learn from for themselves. BUT How to #7.2(See In perspective): Always remember that your parents don’t really get it. They were never able to look up all 20 names of the drug that they might be able to try at the click of a button right in their hands. they could never discuss absolutely everything imaginable across the continent in just seconds.
There is so much out there. The biggest mistake that our generation could make is to abuse the luxury of having the world at our fingertips by taking the endless possibilities for granted.

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